English Today - English Course Part 15
Hello and welcome to English Today this is DVD 15 and this's the third DVD of upper intermediate level and in this DVD we'll begin with another two episodes of our story That's Life and followed by our special TV programmes where we'll be talking about "Option of working in retirement" and then our sport expert will tell us about "Sumo Wrestling, fat and fast"
Then in the grammar section, we'll learn how to use a grammatical form called "The causative have" and also "How to construct the past perfect tense".
Happy viewing.
Full Episode List of English Today
Hello and welcome to English Today this is DVD 15 and this's the third DVD of upper intermediate level and in this DVD we'll begin with another two episodes of our story That's Life and followed by our special TV programmes where we'll be talking about "Option of working in retirement" and then our sport expert will tell us about "Sumo Wrestling, fat and fast"
Then in the grammar section, we'll learn how to use a grammatical form called "The causative have" and also "How to construct the past perfect tense".
Happy viewing.
Full Episode List of English Today
English Today - English Course Part 15:
Here are Upper Intermediate level of English Today. This is the third part of English conversation - Learn English speaking in Upper Intermediate level.
That's Life!
These 2 episodes of the first episode in Upper Intermediate level English story of That's Life!. This story is about the adventures of five young flatmates.- For old times' sake
- Secrete lovers
Special TV Programs
- Let's Talk: A working retirement
- Sport: Sumo - fat and fast
Grammar Section
- Causative Have
- How to construct the past perfect tense
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