Speak Global English - 3. Who owns the English language?

Who owns the English language?
Who owns the English language?

This is the 3rd video of Speak Global English series. There are all together 22 video in the series. In this third video, Hansen talks about who owns the English language.  Let's find out what she has to say in this third video.

Who owns the English language?

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Who owns the English language?:

Speak Global English Video Series Part 3 (of 22 parts): Who owns the English language?

There are about 400 million native English speakers in our world today. And when we say "native" speakers, they are geographically defined as people living and speaking English in the UK, US, Canada and Australia.

In the rest of the world we have about 1.4 BILLION non-native speakers of English.

In China alone, there are 300 million people who speak some level of English. There are an additional 350 million learning English. And what I find especially interesting is that they are learning American English.

American English is spoken by about 280 million people in the US. So basically, we have over double the number of English speakers in China than in the whole United States.

Oh, and that Queen's English everyone talks about? Only around 1 million people in the world actually speak that variety.

To think that native English speakers can continue to claim some kind of ownership of the English language is ill-informed at best.

Communication is a two-way street, and whether you're a native speaker or not, you still need to take responsibility for your communication. But I don't want to get ahead of myself -- we'll talk more about responsibility next time!

Speak Global English - 2. How is English REALLY being used in business?

How is English REALLY being used in business?
How is English REALLY being used in business?

This is the 2nd video of Speak Global English series. There are all together 22 video in the series. In this video Hansen talks about how English is REALLY being used in business.

How is English REALLY being used in business?

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How is English REALLY being used in business?:

Speak Global English Video Series Part 2: How is English really being used in international business?

Good question.

Languages are funny things. They aren't even "things," actually. They are living, breathing organisms, growing and changing every moment depending on how people use them. English is a perfect example.

The English that is now spoken in international business differs greatly from the native English variety you learned to model in school. This is why it is so important for native and non-native English speakers alike to learn the new rules of speaking English appropriately in international settings.

What we're now seeing in business is a focus on clarity, not purity. So what if your grammar isn't perfect or you mispronounce a word. As long as your message is understood, that's all that matters.

At the same time, if we can increase the ease with which our messages are understood by learning to speak more clearly and by having more patience with our international clients and colleagues, we can decrease costly misunderstandings.

It's time to start looking at English in a new way. You don't have to be perfect, but you do have to be clear.

Speak Global English - 1. What is Proper English?

Speak Global English Series - What is Proper English?
Speak Global English Series - What is Proper English?

This is the first video of Speak Global English series. There are all together 22 video in the series. In this video Hansen gives the answer to the question "What is proper English?"

Speak Global English Series - What is Proper English?

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Speak Global English Series - What is Proper English?:

The first question people ask me when they learn that I'm an English speech specialist and communication strategist, is "What is proper English"? There are so many different kinds of English in our world. Which one should we use? This is a great question, and I'm going to make a lot of people very uncomfortable with my answer:

There is no one, "proper" English! Did you get that?

No matter how hard grammarians, English teachers and language snobs try to maintain rule and order in English, the language continues to change. The users of the English language -- you and me -- decide what is proper with every word and sentence we speak and write. Once enough people believe something is proper, guess what... it becomes a rule.

This is exactly why we have so many different varieties of English. So does this mean we should ignore the rules and guidelines of English? No. It means we need to know and understand our listeners, and know how to adapt our speech to better fit their expectations.

In international settings, our goal is no longer to be "proper", but rather to be "understood". However you get there is up to you.

If you think the Global English shift is as interesting as I do, and you'd like to introduce your company to Global English, visit HansenCommLab.com. Or, come join the revolution at SpeakGlobalEnglish.org.

I'll see you tomorrow with part 2 of this 22-part Global English video series. Make sure to subscribe so you don't miss any of them. And of course feel free to share these videos with friends, post them, like them, embed them -- whatever you want. I'll see you tomorrow.

How to Stop Translating and Start Speaking English Naturally

How to Stop Translating and Start Speaking English Naturally!
How to Stop Translating and Start Speaking English Naturally

Do you still translate from your native language when speaking English? Are you having difficulty communicating because of it? If you do and are, then this video might be once of the key to open the door to overcome your English speaking problem.

Heather HansenI received a question from one of her YouTube subscribers facing this problem. That person asked how she could stop translating from her native language to English.

In this video, Heather Hansen give you a couple of my top tips for getting over this hurdle in the language learning process.

How to Stop Translating and Start Speaking English Naturally

Download - How to Stop Translating and Start Speaking English Naturally


How to Stop Translating and Start Speaking English Naturally:

500+ American English Homophones

500+ American English Homophones
500+ American English Homophones
A homophone is a word that is pronounced the same as another word but differs in meaning, and may differ in spelling. The words may be spelled the same, such as rose (flower) and rose (past tense of "rise"), or differently, such as two, and too.

500+ American English Homophones

Download - 500+ American English Homophones


500+ American English Homophones :

In this video, homophones with different spelling (also called heterographs) were used. Homophones depend on the speaker's accent. These words are homophones in general american english. 

More info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homophone

The BEST British Street Slang by Jade

The BEST British Street Slang
The BEST British Street Slang

In this video lesson, you will be introduced to English street slang, an informal kind of vocabulary that is common among young people in the UK. This kind of speech can often be overheard in conversations on the streets of London, on public transit, and in movies. These words and expressions are not appropriate to use in polite conversation, but they are fun to learn and useful to know in order to understand popular culture. In this video, you will learn the meaning of "pattymouth", "sket", "blud", "wagan", and many more

More of her video at Jade's channel at Jade Joddle

The BEST British Street Slang

Download - The BEST British Street Slang


The BEST British Street Slang:

English Pronunciation Tip - How to use CONTRACTIONS

English Pronunciation Tip - How to use CONTRACTIONS
English Pronunciation Tip - How to use CONTRACTIONS
Here in this video, Jade talked about an important pronunciation tip for you. She mentioned that native speakers don't say every single word perfectly.

In this video, Jade talked about some of the most common contractions you would hear native speakers using. 

A contraction is when two or more words are shortened using an apostrophe. This changes the form of the contraction and also its pronunciation to be shorter. This will improve your pronunciation of English and will also help you to understand native speakers of English.

More of her video at Jade's channel at Jade Joddle

English Pronunciation Tip - How to use CONTRACTIONS

Download - English Pronunciation Tip - How to use CONTRACTIONS


English Pronunciation Tip - How to use CONTRACTIONS:

English Pronunciation Tip - not stressing every word

English Pronunciation Tip - not stressing every word
English Pronunciation Tip - not stressing every word
English pronunciation tip for saying 'your' - a common word used in English that native speakers use in a way that doesn't have a stress.

Use this tip to make your English pronunciation better and to understand native speakers when they are talking fast and naturally.

More of her video at Jade's channel at Jade Joddle

English Pronunciation Tip - not stressing every word

Download - English Pronunciation Tip - not stressing every word


English Pronunciation Tip - not stressing every word:

Learn English Pronunciation: -ed endings

Learn English Pronunciation: -ed endings
Learn English Pronunciation: -ed endings
In this learn real English video, you will learn how to pronounce word that end with -ed.

This mistake is a common pronunciation issue. It only takes a moment to fix this common mistake that makes your English sound really bad. Find out how to say -ed endings of words with a British accent.

More of her video at Jade's channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0MJBC99PMd86hDbaRTFmWg

Full Episode List of Study English

Learn English Pronunciation: -ed endings

Download - Learn English Pronunciation: -ed endings


Learn English Pronunciation: -ed endings:

Amazing secret of English rhythm

Amazing secret of English rhythm
Amazing secret of English rhythm
You can't speak like a native, until you master the rhythm of English. In this video I reveal the secret of English rhythm so that you can improve your accent.

More of Jade's video at her channel at Jade Joddle

Amazing secret of English rhythm

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Amazing secret of English rhythm:

The trick to getting the rhythm of English right is all to do with the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables when we talk. We speak in a pattern of iambs - an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable. Speech that reflects this natural rhythm feels like music to our ears. When speech does not reflect this rhythm, it is difficult to understand and sounds unpleasant to native speakers.

Cooking: Green Eggs and Ham by Julie Nolke

Cooking: Green Eggs and Ham by Julie Nolke
Cooking: Green Eggs and Ham by Julie Nolke
Hi there, in this real English video lesson I would like into take you to the kitchen. In this video Julie is going to show you how to cook green eggs and ham, yum, yum.
Happy watching and learning.

Cooking: Green Eggs and Ham by Julie Nolke

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Cooking: Green Eggs and Ham by Julie Nolke:

Below are the ingredients listed by Julie along with the recipe and you can join her by subscribing to her channel at http://taste.md/1YPSvqQ.

2 soft boiled eggs, peeled
5 pork sausages
2 tbsp worcestershire
2 tbsp mustard
1 egg
1/2 cup bread crumbs
Salt and Pepper, to taste
1 egg, whisked
1 cup panko bread crumbs

To dye your eggs, place them into a bowl of water with 10 drops of green food colouring. Leave for 30 minutes.

For the sausage, remove each one from it’s casing and place in a bowl. Add the whorstershaire, mustard, egg and breadcrumbs and mix until thoroughly combined. Then, taking a small hand full patted flat, place the dyed egg in the centre and gently bring the sausage up and over the sides, enclosing completely. 

Pronunciation Technique For People With a Monotone Voice

Pronunciation Technique For People with a monotone voice
Pronunciation Technique For People With a Monotone Voice
This is the English pronunciation training video and this is a must for the Asian folks and people who speak with a monotone voice.

In this video, Jade gives you the accent intonation training lesson to develop tone of voice and emotional range for Asians and people who speak with a monotone voice.

Pronunciation Technique For People with a monotone voice

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Pronunciation Technique For People with a monotone voice:

It's not always easy for Asian speakers of English to show emotion in their voices. It may be difficult to have the same tonal range that native speakers of English have, due to the English language having a different use of tone to Asian languages such as Mandarin.

In English tone is used to convey feelings. A single word can have many different interpretations, depending on the tone. Not understanding nor applying tone can make the English speech of Asians appear to be without emotion and if monotone, hard to understand.

How to Change your Accent

How to Change your Accent
How to Change your Accent

In this video you will learn 3 essential techniques to change your accent from Jade Joddle. These 3 principles will help you succeed in reducing or changing your accent. 

How to Change your Accent

Download - How to Change your Accent


3 Techniques to Change your Accent with Jade Joddle:

Awareness - Having awareness of your speech means that you are able to observe the way you speak. You can train yourself to become aware of your speech so that you notice aspects of speech that you want to change. Awareness also means that you are able to observe the way other people speak. Importantly, awareness doesn't mean being critical of what you observe. You observe like a scientist, not a judge.

Modelling - Find someone whose accent or style of speech you like, for example a famous person. You then start listening very closely to the way they speak. Apply your awareness training here so that you can really notice what you like about the way this person speaks. You can then incorporate what you like about their speaking style into your own speech. 

Change Sounds - When working to change your accent, you don't always need to change every single sound. There may be just one or two sounds you need to change to soften your accent. When you know about the phonemes and sounds of English you can then research the sounds you want to change. Having knowledge of phonemes will save you time as you work to change your accent. It also means that when observing the speech of yourself and others you can precisely identify what you are listening to at the level of individual sounds. When you know what your problem sounds are, you can then research these sounds and how to say them correctly in your chosen accent.

Spoken English Sentences Everyday

Spoken English Sentences Everyday
Spoken English Sentences Everyday

In this video you will learn everyday spoken English sentences in different situations and topics.

Spoken English Sentences Everyday

Download - Spoken English Sentences Everyday


Spoken English Sentences Everyday :

How to Say 100 Words in British English Vol 1

How to Say 100 Words in British English Vol 1
How to Say 100 Words in British English Vol 1
How to say 100 words in British English. Important repetition to help make the vocabulary part of your active vocabulary.

How to Say 100 Words in British English Vol 1 is British pronunciation learning.  In the video, you will learn how to say 100 words in British English along with the example sentences.

How to Say 100 Words in British English Vol 1

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How to Say 100 Words in British English Vol 1:

Here are the list of the words:

  • 01:00 Abstract, Ache, Acquaintance, Adjacent, Ambidextrous, Archive, Awkward
  • 05:00 Ballet, Balmy, Biscuit, Buoy
  • 07:07 Callipygian, Category, Caught, Chasm, Chocolate, Choir, Chord, Circuit, Clerk, Clothes, Coax, Colleague, Consume, Cousin, Creature
  • 15:45 Debris, Deracinate, Dwarf
  • 17:08 Epitome, Exit, Exquisite
  • 18:54 Facade, Feign, Flocculent, Fracas
  • 21:04 Gaol, Gauge
  • 21:54 Headache, Height, Hygiene, Hyperbole
  • 24:14 Irrational, Island
  • 25:15 Jeopardy
  • 25:42 Khaki, Knead, Knee
  • 27:20 Lettuce, Librarian, Library, Lightning
  • 29:30 Mayor, Murmur
  • 29:53 Nauseating
  • 31:15 Onomatopoeia
  • 32:08 Paranoia, Particularly, Pear, Perseverance, Phenomenon, Plague, Preferences, Preparatory, Pronunciation
  • 37:23 Quay, Queue, Quiet, Quit, Quite
  • 39:31 Rarely, Realm, Reflection, Regularly, Relish, Rhinoceros, Rhythm
  • 44:00 Salmon, Scissors, Slither, Spontaneity, Squirrel, Stomach, Subsidiary, Suede, Surprise, Sword, Syncope
  • 50:14 Thames, Though, Tongue, Triskaidekaphobia
  • 52:22 Undulating, Victualler, Water, Wednesday, Wood
  • 55:14 Xenophobia, Yacht, Zebra

Pronunciation - How to speak properly

How to speak properly
How to speak properly

In this video you will learn real English with Jade Joddle on 3 Important Keys to Speaking Properly - Accent, Performance, and Articulation of Speech.

I hope you enjoy her video as much I do.

How to speak properly

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How to speak properly:

3 Important Keys to Speaking Properly - Accent, Performance, and Articulation of Speech.

We do not need to completely change our accents in order to speak properly. It is possible to speak in a more refined and sophisticated way by making small adjustments to the content as well as sound of your speech.

Speech Content - your speech should be timelessly elegant like a little black dress. This means that you avoid trendy words, slang and local expressions because this kind of language does not travel well and dates very quickly.

Articulation - you should take care to enunciate clearly. To do this it is important that you move your mouth sufficiently without mumbling your words.

Accent - you don't need to change your whole accent in order to give the impression of speaking properly. However, you can target key sounds in your accent that are perceived to be 'strong'. To do this you first research the features of your accent - find out what sounds you say currently say differently. You may find that there are just a couple of sounds that you don't like in your pronunciation, which you want to change. Once you have identified the sounds that you don't like in your pronunciation you can focus your attention on changing the way you say these sounds specifically. This will soften your accent, rather than change it completely.

Speech Performance - you should 'own your voice'. When you own your voice it means that you speak in a way that is appropriate for the situation; you are neither too quiet nor too loud. You also speak at a comfortable pace so that other people can understand you. The ability to do this reflects that you have confidence in yourself and that you deserve to be listened to.

Pronunciation - How to get a clear accent

How to get a clear accent
How to get a clear accent

In this video you will learn real English with Jade Joddle on how to get a clear British accent. She has 4 speech technique to improve the clarity of speech.

I hope you enjoy her video as much I do. I love her British access apart from her sweet face.

How to get a clear accent

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How to get a clear accent:

When you have good clarity of speech it means that people can understand you well, whatever your accent. If you find that people don't understand you easily, it might not be a problem with your accent. In fact, your problem may be that you lack clarity of speech. When you do not speak clearly it is hard for other people to understand you.

People sometimes have a problem with clarity of speech because they speak too quickly. They are not giving the tongue enough time to reach the mouth position needed to make the sound. It may also be because your tongue is lazy or unfit and needs some exercise.
Try this speech exercise to improve the clarity of your speech.
1. Begin by warming up the tongue and sticking it out and around in different directions.
2. Make some sounds while your tongue is sticking out.
3. Stick out your tongue and count to 20 while your tongue is sticking out.
4. Keep your tongue out and say fruit names as you count to 20. For example, 1 bananna, 2 papaya, 3 orange...

Learn English Through Story: The Dangerous Journey

Learn English Through Story: The Dangerous Journey
Learn English Through Story: The Dangerous Journey

This is the third story of Learning English through story in elementary level.

Hope you will enjoy the story while learning real English through story.

Learn English Through Story: The Dangerous Journey

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Learn English Through Story: The Dangerous Journey:

Learn English Through Story: The Garden

Learn English Through Story: The Garden
Learn English Through Story: The Garden

"The Garden" is the second story of Learning English through story in elementary level. Enjoy while listening.

Learn English Through Story: The Garden

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Learn English Through Story: The Garden:

Learn English Through Story: The Long Tunnel

Learn English Through Story: The Long Tunnel
Learn English Through Story: The Long Tunnel

Three university students go on holiday to a remote part of Wales. They are going to stay in a cottage without electricity or a telephone in a remote part of the country. But who is the bearded man that haunts them?

Learn English Through Story: The Long Tunnel

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Learn English Through Story: The Long Tunnel:

"Frank and his men were in the tunnel. The train slowed down and stopped. Frank quickly climbed up. He opened the lock on the door of the guard's van. He threw down the bags of money. 'Move quickly,' he said to his men. 'We haven't much time.'" - back cover.

Learn English Through Story: The Stranger

Learn English Through Story: The Stranger
Learn English Through Story: The Stranger

The Stranger is a children's book written in 1986 by the American author Chris Van Allsburg. It tells a story of a stranger with no memory of who he is or where he's from. He recuperates in the home of a farmer and his family during the fall season.

Learn English Through Story: The Stranger

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Learn English Through Story: The Stranger:

Woodend is a small, quiet village without any shops or visitors. A stranger appears in the village one day and opens a shop there. As of that day, many tourists start to come to Woodend. Special customers visit the shop secretly. They need help and the stranger helps them.

More about the book at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Stranger_(Chris_Van_Allsburg_book)

Learn English Through Story: The adventures of Tom Sawyer

Learn English Through Audio Story: The adventures of Tom Sawyer
Learn English Through Audio Story: The adventures of Tom Sawyer

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain is an 1876 novel about a young boy growing up along the Mississippi River. It is set in the fictional town of St. Petersburg, inspired by Hannibal, Missouri, where Twain lived.

Learn English Through Audio Story: The adventures of Tom Sawyer

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Learn English Through Audio Story: The adventures of Tom Sawyer:

Tom Sawyer lives with his Aunt Polly and his half-brother Sid. He skips school to swim and is made to whitewash the fence the next day as punishment. He cleverly persuades his friends to trade him small treasures for the privilege of doing his work. He then trades the treasures for Sunday School tickets which one normally receives for memorizing verses consistently, redeeming them for a Bible, much to the surprise and bewilderment of the superintendent who thought "it was simply preposterous that this boy had warehoused two thousand sheaves of Scriptural wisdom on his premises—a dozen would strain his capacity, without a doubt."

Tom falls in love with Becky Thatcher, a new girl in town, and persuades her to get "engaged" by kissing him. But their romance collapses when she learns Tom has been "engaged" previously to Amy Lawrence. Shortly after Becky shuns him, he accompanies Huckleberry Finn to the graveyard at night, where they witness a trio of graverobbers, Dr. Robinson, Muff Potter and Injun Joe, getting into a fight. While Potter is knocked unconscious during the scuffle, Injun Joe stabs the doctor to death and later pins the blame on Potter, who is arrested and charged with murder.

Tom and Huck run away to an island. While enjoying their new-found freedom, they become aware that the community is sounding the river for their bodies. Tom sneaks back home one night to observe the commotion. After a brief moment of remorse at his loved ones' suffering, he is struck by the idea of appearing at his own funeral.

Back in school, Tom gets himself back in Becky's favor after he nobly accepts the blame for a book she has ripped. Soon, Muff Potter's trial begins, in which Tom testifies against Injun Joe. Potter is acquitted, but Injun Joe flees the courtroom through a window. Tom then fears for his life as Injun Joe is at large and can easily find him.

Summer arrives, and Tom and Huck go hunting for buried treasure in a haunted house. After venturing upstairs they hear a noise below. Peering through holes in the floor, they see Injun Joe disguised as a deaf-mute Spaniard; Injun Joe and his companion plan to bury some stolen treasure of their own. From their hiding spot, Tom and Huck wriggle with delight at the prospect of digging it up. Huck begins to shadow Injun Joe nightly, watching for an opportunity to nab the gold. In the meantime, Tom goes on a picnic to McDougal's Cave with Becky and their classmates. In his overconfidence, Tom strays off the marked paths with Becky and they get hopelessly lost. That night, Huck sees Injun Joe and his partner making off with a box. He follows and overhears their plans to attack the Widow Douglas. By running to fetch help, Huck prevents the crime and becomes an anonymous hero.

As Tom and Becky wander the extensive cave complex for the next few days, Becky gets extremely dehydrated and starved, so Tom's search for a way out gets even more determined. He accidentally encounters Injun Joe one day, but he is not seen by his nemesis. Eventually he finds a way out, and they are joyfully welcomed back by their community. As a preventive measure, Judge Thatcher has McDougal's Cave sealed off, but this traps Injun Joe inside. When Tom hears of the sealing several days later and directs a posse to the cave, they find Injun Joe's corpse just inside the sealed entrance, starved to death.

A week later, having deduced from Injun Joe's presence at McDougal's Cave that the villain must have hidden the stolen gold inside, Tom takes Huck to the cave and they find the box of gold, the proceeds of which are invested for them. The Widow Douglas adopts Huck, and when he attempts to escape civilized life, Tom tricks him into thinking that he can join Tom's robber band if he returns to the widow. Reluctantly, he agrees and goes back to her.

CR: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Adventures_of_Tom_Sawyer

Learning English Word Power, A Part 4

Learning English Word Power, A Part 4
Learning English Word Power, A Part 4
Learn Real English Words with Word Power

This is the 4th video lesson of Word Power and the 4th part of the words that started with a letter A. In the lesson you will learn how to say word correctly and also learn the meaning and how to use the word correctly.

Learning English Word Power, A Part 4

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Learning English Word Power, A Part 4:

This is a very great and easy video to learn Real English. You will learn how to pronounce the word the right way and also learn and increase your English vocabulary.

Learning English Word Power, A Part 3

Learning English Word Power, A Part 3
Learning English Word Power, A Part 3
Learn Real English Words with Word Power

This is the 3rd video lesson of Word Power and the 3rd part of the words that started with A. In the lesson you will learn how to say word correctly and also learn the meaning and how to use the word correctly.

Learning English Word Power, A Part 3

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Learning English Word Power, A Part 3:

This is a very great and easy video to learn Real English. You will learn how to pronounce the word the right way and also learn and increase your English vocabulary.

Learning English Word Power, A Part 2

Learning English Word Power, A Part 2
Learning English Word Power, A Part 2
Learn Real English Words with Word Power

This is a great video that teach you English Word Power alphabetically. In this video, second part of word started with a letter A would be introduced

Learning English Word Power, A Part 2

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Learning English Word Power, A Part 2:

This is a very great and easy video to learn Real English. You will learn how to pronounce the word the right way and also learn and increase your English vocabulary.

Learning English Word Power, A Part 1

Learning English Word Power, A Part 1
Learning English Word Power, A Part 1
Learn Real English Words with Word Power.                    

This is a great video that teach you English Word Power alphabetically. In this video, A would be introduced and this is the first part of it.

This is a very great and easy video to learn Real English. You will learn how to pronounce the word the right way and also learn and increase your English vocabulary.

Learning English Word Power, A Part 1

Download - Learning English Word Power, A Part 1


Learning English Word Power, A Part 1:

Learn English Words - 125 English Words

Learn English Words - 125 English Words
Learn English Words - 125 English Words
Learn Real English Words with Alisha. These are 125 real English words lesson for intermediate.

In this video Alisha will teach intermediate 125 English words in one video with words, definitions, how to use them.

Learn English Words - 125 English Words

Download - Learn English Words - 125 English Words


Learn English Words - 125 English Words :

English Topics - English you say without thinking

English Topics - English you say without thinking
English Topics - English you say without thinking

Not all English phrases are created equal! Some get used a lot by native speakers, though they don't even think about it. 

Find out what phrases Alisha and Michael say without thinking and give your English a native flair!

English Topics - English you say without thinking

Download - English Topics - English you say without thinking


English Topics - English you say without thinking:

Anna Clendening - America's Got Talent

Anna Clendening  - America's Got Talent
Anna Clendening - America's Got Talent

I came across this video, the America's Got Talent Audition, and felt very impressed with what Anna did. The impression was not only because of her voice but the bravery that she had to stand up in front of thousands people. For some of you, who are discouraged this is one of the must see video. This will help encourage you. The video has now gone up to 13,676,700 views.

I hope apart from learning real English from this video you will also learn something from Anna as well.

Anna Clendening - America's Got Talent

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Anna Clendening - America's Got Talent:

Here is a little information of hers:
Anna Clendening is a Chapel Hill, North Carolina native. She is unemployed because she has anxiety and depression disorder, which she was diagnosed with when she was 14. Just 2-3 months prior to her audition, she was bedridden, refusing to leave her house. With therapy, she became better, yet had a relapse 4 months ago. Music helped her through her anxiety about facing the world.

If you want to know what anxiety and depression disorder are below are the link to the information:

English Listening Comprehension - At the Jewelry Store in the USA

English Listening Comprehension - At the Jewelry Store in the USA
English Listening Comprehension - At the Jewelry Store in the USA

In this lesson, you will improve your listening comprehension skills from a English conversation in a jewelry store.

Full Episode List of English Listening Comprehension

English Listening Comprehension - At the Jewelry Store in the USA

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English Listening Comprehension - At the Jewelry Store in the USA:

Do you find yourself only understanding bits and pieces of English conversations? Do you spend hours trying to figure out what that person said to you in English? Then this English Listening Comprehension for Absolute Beginners series is for you! In each lesson of this five-part series, you'll see an image, hear a English question and dialogue about that image, and have time to answer the question out loud in English!

English Listening Comprehension - Looking At a Photograph from America

English Listening Comprehension - Looking At a Photograph from America
English Listening Comprehension - Looking At a Photograph from America

In this lesson, you will improve your listening comprehension skills from a English conversation about a photograph.

Full Episode List of English Listening Comprehension

English Listening Comprehension - Looking At a Photograph from America

Download - English Listening Comprehension - Looking At a Photograph from America


English Listening Comprehension - Looking At a Photograph from America:

Do you find yourself only understanding bits and pieces of English conversations? Do you spend hours trying to figure out what that person said to you in English? Then this English Listening Comprehension for Absolute Beginners series is for you! In each lesson of this five-part series, you'll see an image, hear a English question and dialogue about that image, and have time to answer the question out loud in English!

English Listening Comprehension - Reading a Journal in English

English Listening Comprehension - Reading a Journal in English
English Listening Comprehension - Reading a Journal in English

In this lesson, you will improve your listening comprehension skills by listening to a English journal entry being read out.

Full Episode List of English Listening Comprehension

English Listening Comprehension - Reading a Journal in English

Download - English Listening Comprehension - Reading a Journal in English


English Listening Comprehension - Reading a Journal in English:

Do you find yourself only understanding bits and pieces of English conversations? Do you spend hours trying to figure out what that person said to you in English? Then this English Listening Comprehension for Absolute Beginners series is for you! In each lesson of this five-part series, you'll see an image, hear a English question and dialogue about that image, and have time to answer the question out loud in English!

English Listening Comprehension - Calling the American Doctor's Office

English Listening Comprehension - Calling the American Doctor's Office
English Listening Comprehension - Calling the American Doctor's Office

In this lesson, you will improve your listening comprehension skills from a English phone call to the doctor's office.

Full Episode List of English Listening Comprehension

English Listening Comprehension - Calling the American Doctor's Office

Download - English Listening Comprehension - Calling the American Doctor's Office


English Listening Comprehension - Calling the American Doctor's Office:

Do you find yourself only understanding bits and pieces of English conversations? Do you spend hours trying to figure out what that person said to you in English? Then this English Listening Comprehension for Absolute Beginners series is for you! In each lesson of this five-part series, you'll see an image, hear a English question and dialogue about that image, and have time to answer the question out loud in English!

English Listening Comprehension - At an American Restaurant

English Listening Comprehension - At an American Restaurant
English Listening Comprehension - At an American Restaurant

In this lesson, you will improve your listening comprehension skills from a English conversation set in a restaurant.

Full Episode List of Study English

English Listening Comprehension - At an American Restaurant

Download - English Listening Comprehension - At an American Restaurant


English Listening Comprehension - At an American Restaurant:

Do you find yourself only understanding bits and pieces of English conversations? Do you spend hours trying to figure out what that person said to you in English? Then this English Listening Comprehension for Absolute Beginners series is for you! In each lesson of this five-part series, you'll see an image, hear a English question and dialogue about that image, and have time to answer the question out loud in English!