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Pronunciation Technique For People With a Monotone Voice


Pronunciation Technique For People with a monotone voice
Pronunciation Technique For People With a Monotone Voice
This is the English pronunciation training video and this is a must for the Asian folks and people who speak with a monotone voice.

In this video, Jade gives you the accent intonation training lesson to develop tone of voice and emotional range for Asians and people who speak with a monotone voice.

Pronunciation Technique For People with a monotone voice

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Pronunciation Technique For People with a monotone voice:

It's not always easy for Asian speakers of English to show emotion in their voices. It may be difficult to have the same tonal range that native speakers of English have, due to the English language having a different use of tone to Asian languages such as Mandarin.

In English tone is used to convey feelings. A single word can have many different interpretations, depending on the tone. Not understanding nor applying tone can make the English speech of Asians appear to be without emotion and if monotone, hard to understand.

Written by : Learn from real English Team

We always believe that the best way to learn English is learning English from real English the way the native speaker use. This is the natural way of learning English. You will be surprised how much your English has improved when you expose yourself to real English environment.

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