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Let's Learn English - Lesson 40: The Woods Are Alive


Let's Learn English - Lesson 40: The Woods Are Alive
Let's Learn English - Lesson 40: The Woods Are Alive

This is the 40th episode of Let's Learn English. In this lesson, Anna's New Year’s Resolution is to try something new. She auditions for a play. Will she get the part?

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Let's Learn English - Lesson 40: The Woods Are Alive

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Let's Learn English - Lesson 40: The Woods Are Alive:

AnnaHappy New Year! Some people, at the start of a new year, make a resolution -- a promise to yourself to be better. I thought about my resolution carefully. I want to be an actor on the stage! Today I will audition for a show called "The Woods Are Alive!" Wish me luck!
DirectorNext! What is your name?
AnnaMy name is Anna Matteo.
DirectorAre you ready to audition?
Anna(warms up voice) Yes.
DirectorGreat. Let's begin on page 1. Here is the story. You are lost in the woods. You are searching desperately for a way out. Suddenly, you hear something.
DirectorNow, say your line.
Anna'What was that? Hello. Is someone there?'
DirectorAnna, you are speaking too softly. Can you speak more loudly and a little more, um, seriously?
AnnaYes, of course I can. 'What was that? Hello. Is someone there?' Is that loud enough?
DirectorYes, that is loud enough. Let's turn to page 25. In this scene, you are moving slowly and quietly through the woods.
DirectorAnna. Anna! You are walking quickly and loudly. Walk slowly and quietly.
AnnaI'm walking slowly and quietly. I am walking…
DirectorAnna. Anna. You don't need to say "slowly" and "quietly." Alright, let's try the last scene. Turn to page 48. I say my line first, then you say your line.
Director'You will never get out of these woods alive! Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!'
Anna'Yes, I will.'
DirectorOkay, Anna, you said that line -- you said that line really late. You need to say it earlier.
AnnaSorry. Sorry. Let me try again.
Director'You will never …'
Anna'Yes, I will.'
Director'… get out of the woods alive.'
AnnaI was too early, wasn't I?
DirectorYes. Yes, you were.
AnnaDirector, how am I doing?
DirectorYou know, Anna. I think that I have the perfect part for you.
DirectorThe costume is in the back. Please go try it on.
AnnaAwesome! (Anna returns as a tree.)
DirectorOh, Anna, that fits you perfectly!
AnnaI'm a tree. I'm a tree in … "The Woods Are Alive!" Yes!
AnnaMy new year is starting awesomely! Excuse me, Director! I have a great idea for my tree. Oh, wait! Until next time!

Originally published at http://learningenglish.voanews.com

Written by : Learn from real English Team

We always believe that the best way to learn English is learning English from real English the way the native speaker use. This is the natural way of learning English. You will be surprised how much your English has improved when you expose yourself to real English environment.

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