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Actual English with Jennifer - Lesson 9 : Dating and Marriage


09 : Dating and Marriage
Actual English with Jennifer - Lesson 9 : Dating and Marriage
Hello, this is Actual English, the real English lesson by Jennifer Clyde. The lesson consists of 5 sections, Actual Talk, Actual Talk Review, Actual Talk Expressions, Actual Story and Wrap Up.

This is the ninth lesson of Actual English Speaking. In this lesson, she will help you learn how to talk about dating and marriage.

Full Episode List of Actual English and Actual Speaking

Actual English with Jennifer - Lesson 9 : Dating and Marriage

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Actual English with Jennifer - Lesson 9 : Dating and Marriage:

Jennifer Clyde teaches OPiC and natural English based on various encounters by culturally diverse English speakers in a cafe setting.

Vocabularies List

  • I hear
  • future husband/wife
  • now husband/wife
  • then husband/wife
  • let nature take its course
  • work out
  • to see how it goes
  • time frame
  • fair share
  • hit and miss/hit or miss
  • safe haven
  • jump into a relationship
  • a marriage senior
  • I used to
  • as I grow older
  • I am looking for someone that I can grow old with
  • I would do/give anything to ...

Written by : Learn from real English Team

We always believe that the best way to learn English is learning English from real English the way the native speaker use. This is the natural way of learning English. You will be surprised how much your English has improved when you expose yourself to real English environment.

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