Mind Your Language is a British comedy television series which premiered on ITV in late-1977. Produced by London Weekend Television and directed by Stuart Allen, the show is set in an adult education college in London and focuses on the English as a Foreign Language class taught by Mr Jeremy Brown, portrayed by Barry Evans, who had to deal with a motley crew of foreign students. Three series were made by LWT between 1977–79, and the show was briefly revived in 1986 with six of the original cast.
- wikipedia
Season 1
Episode 1. The First Lesson
Episode 2. An Inspector Calls
Episode 3. An Inspector Calls
Episode 4. All Through the Night
Episode 5. The Best Things in Life
Episode 6. Come Back, All Is Forgiven
Episode 7. The Cheating Game
Episode 8. Better to Have Loved and Lost
Episode 9. Kill or Cure
Episode 10. Hello, Sailor
Episode 11. A Point of Honour
Episode 12. How's Your Father?
Episode 13. The Examination
Season 2
Episode 1. All Present If Not Correct
Episode 2. Queen for a Day!
Episode 3. Brief Re-encounter
Episode 4. Many Happy Returns
Episode 5. Don't Forget the Driver
Episode 6. A Hard Day's Night
Episode 7. Take Your Partners
Episode 8. After Three
Season 3
Episode 1. I Belong to Glasgow
Episode 2. Who Loves ya Baby
Episode 3. No Flowers by Request
Episode 4. Just the Job
Episode 5. Guilty or Not Guilty
Episode 6. Repent at Leisure
Episode 7. The School Fete
Episode 8. What a Tangled Web
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